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Showing posts from September, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

Keep It Simple

Keep it Simple To do just that is not quite so well ... simple Why do I always seem to pick the hardest way to ... live Smooth sailing a foreign concept occasionally not ... always Let go and let God much better choice He really knows what's .... best Challenge for today? I will select 3 or 4 things that I do that make my life more difficult than it needs to be and find ways to trust God and simplify.

I finally get it

It was almost 24 years ago that I made the decision to give my life and my will over to Jesus Christ. At the time, I really had no idea what it meant, but what I did know was that I was not doing a good job of living my life running it all on my own. I knew I needed help and I had (already by 27) looked for a lot of different people and ways of obtaining that help, none of whom or which had worked. I was still a mess. On the outside, things didn't look too messy. I was married to a great guy and had just given birth to our second, beautiful, and perfect son. We had family that we loved, friends to hang out with, a home, two cars, and one good job. As a new follower of Christ, when I heard things like, "crucified with Christ", "died with Christ", and the like, I was so confused. For many years I pretended to understand what it meant. And in some ways, I got it - sort of. But this past summer, I REALLY got it. And it is amazing. That person...the one who was a mes...

Weak vs Strong - which one are you?

Saw this on a new friend's facebook page today and loved it! "Strong people make as many mistakes as weak people. Difference is that strong people admit their mistakes, laugh at them, learn from them. That is how they become strong." -Richard Needham, British Politician (thanks, Jan)

Packing and Preparing!

Need to pack Need to pack Then why am I sitting here on the computer reading blogs? And now typing a post...for no real reason? I need to pack! This upcoming weekend is one of my favorite weekends - ever! It is the annual Heart to Heart retreat in the Ozarks of Missouri! In the past, I have traveled to Tulsa via airplane and then by car with my mom. I will miss doing that this year, but I am taking 3 very special friends with me this year! I cannot even imagine the fun we will have on the road trip there and back! We range in age from early 20's to 50's, we know each other well, and care about each other bunches, which makes the weekend even more inviting! Then, when we get there, we will be with crowds of other women, all from different walks of life - but with one common bond - understanding, peace and love of the 12 step program and serenity. Already, in my mind, I can hear the laughter. I can smell the musky dorm rooms where we will sleep, and the aroma of the food ...

I love today

Today is the first day of! Now, I love summer - in fact, I love summer best of all the seasons. I don't know why for sure, but I think it has hung on since my childhood. Summer still represents sleeping in, vacations, weeks with Grandma and Grandpa, homemade ice-cream, and days spent at the swimming pool. Most of those things are not regular parts of my summer schedule now that I am approaching 50. (well, I have a bit to go...but it's coming) I have a job where I leave my house before 7:00 a.m. every morning. That is NOT sleeping in! And my summer vacation? Well, let's just gratefully say it has been postponed to December due to a little airplane in a pond mistake. So, even though my summer does not look like it did when it became my favorite season, and even though I thoroughly love summer, I am very, very ready for fall. And flipping the calendar today to the month of September, well, it just colors my world orange and gold! And I know that Spring is supp...