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Showing posts from August, 2010

Family Update and Friday Fill-In

Mercy! An entire week has flown by! I had a fantastic time at the Women of Faith conference. As I hoped, my mind was renewed, my spirit refreshed, and friendships deepened. The biggest surprise for me was Marcus Buckingham! What a fantastic speaker with a fantastic message. He was not familiar to me when I looked at the speakers when I bought my ticket, so I looked him up by googling him. (love technology!) I was a little curious after reading about him, still not quite sure why he was invited to Women of Faith. What a delight! Check him out here . I could probably write an entire post about what I learned from what he said. And maybe I will. :) In the meantime, my daughter started school as a Junior in High School! My computer caught a virus and my husband doctored it back to health. We had 107 degree high one day, and 89 degree high the next. I am in my second week back to cycling after surgery and then an injured husband. I cooked dinner every day except one and on t...

Friday Fill-In

Well, it has been a while, but here is a Friday Fill-In! 1. Laughter really is the best medicine - for most things! 2. "Would you re-send..." are the three words that started off the last email I sent. 3. What I'm most looking forward to today is WOMEN OF FAITH and hanging out with some fantastic friends . 4. Being with my family puts a smile on my face. 5. Where in the world do people come up with these things? 6. I am thinking that this weekend will be just what I needed! 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Women of faith and time with some of my favorite friends , tomorrow my plans include the same thing and Sunday, I want to worship at The Village Church, and hang out with my family after a weekend full of fun, faith, encouragement, and growing ! I hope your weekend is great too! Click here for more Friday Fill-Ins

Hot - in more ways than one

I have to say it, I will be glad when this summer is over. For one thing, it is insanely hot in Texas this year. Yesterday was the 16th day of temperatures over 100 degrees in Dallas . We are not approaching the record of 42 straight days from the 1980 heat wave yet, but, ? It’s enough to kill even the most heat hardy plants. And my having a positive attitude is struggling to stay alive too. Summer 2010 will not be forgotten. Major events will mark this season; some good memories, and some not so good. But throughout this summer, the biggest thing that I will remember is what I have learned through it all. I cannot control anything or anyone except myself. Now, this is not really a new concept for me, in fact, I have been aware of this for many years. But this summer’s events took me to a deeper understanding; an understanding that grasped me by the shoulders and shook me until I cried, “Uncle!” (which means: To indicate a willingness to give up a fight or surrender) Actually, the n...


Today is finally here! Our family has been waiting for this day for weeks, months…really, years! When our family moved from Virginia to the state of Texas in July 2005, we left Adam at Virginia Tech. He was only half way through his engineering degree and after much thought and discussion, it was decided that he would be best off remaining there and completing his degree. (As opposed to transferring to another university) It was a decision that tore chunks out of my momma’s heart. It was difficult when my husband and I walked down the hallway of his freshman dormitory room and left him 6 hours away, but to move half of a country away…leaving him there…??? It was almost too much to bear. We almost changed our mind after that first Christmas (2005). School was intense for him, his Grandpa Ron passed away that fall, and his Grandma was recovering from some serious injuries. He really wanted to come home. We wanted him to come home. But, again, after much thought a...