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This doesn't feel exactly like I thought it would feel. Our youngest daughter moved into her dorm at college last week and although I am not sure what I expected, it has been somewhat uneventful. Don't get me wrong, the many days of shopping and packing prior to the move were busy and full of activity. The actual day was exhausting and exciting. 
 We transitioned a room from this...
to this...
And then when I saw her looking like this....
It was really difficult to feel very sad. After all, this is what we have been working toward, right? Another step toward independence - this is a very good thing! So, even though I miss her and find myself wondering what she is doing, what she is eating, how did she sleep last night, my heart is full of joy, not empty, as we enter this new season in our lives.
Congratulations to our daughter, Rebecca!
We are so proud of you and know that you will do very well as you enter into this new time of your life! 
I love you very much!


pam said…
YAY....we LOVE an empty nest. But our girls have always lived fairly close so we could still see them whenever. Now that our youngest has moved to Colorado it is an adjustment. But modern technology does make life very enjoyable. I think God prepares us for that last one leaving. It's so exciting to see them move on to college...oh what God has planned for her.

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