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Hello Blog,

It has been almost ten years since I posted my last blog post.  A lot has happened since that day that I wrote about keeping promises. A lot.  But there is only one thing on my mind this evening.  My mom died. 

Many years ago, she encouraged me to begin this blog. She loved to write.  I love to write.  We thought it would be fun.  And it was, for a time.  Not that I ever tired of writing, but I felt I had little to say on a blog. She continued on well after I stopped blogging.  Today, I post in honor of her.  I have no point.  No purpose.  No message.  Nothing. But, I will write, and I will post because I trust that it will be a way to heal.  A way to process the things I have walked through, the things I will walk through.  I know that writing helps.  

This evening, I am charging her cell phone so that I can log into her Facebook.  It has been more than seven years since she posted on Facebook.  I have left it alone.  It is hers.  But today, I feel responsible.  I feel I owe her the courtesy of memorializing her social media.  So, I begin the process of closing her life, if you will.  It breaks my heart.  So, as I do this, I am challenged to not allow a permanent end to writing, in honor of her. 

I am still here.  And I am writing my letter.  


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