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Showing posts from June, 2007


As I review the past week, it seems that I have experienced several " firsts ". None of these happenings are really worth "writing home" about, if you will, but they are " firsts ", nonetheless. I flew to spend the weekend in Tulsa. I wanted to spend some time with my mom and also with my niece who turned two a few days before. Going to Tulsa was not a " first " nor was spending time with my mom, but what was a " first " was going shopping with her to buy gifts for my niece and her granddaughter . That was fun. It seems we both had a bunch of fun buying presents for this beautiful two year old in our family. It was a " first ", and it seemed sort of important some how. Then I left Tulsa on an airplane and left my daughter with her grandmother....all by herself. This was also a " first " . My sons have spent over a decade of periodic visits to Grandma's all by themselves, usually traveling by airplane from Virgini...

To Live By...

I ponder these words today with the desire to live by them more fully. It is a way of life that I embrace and believe in, but find it difficult to do. Without God, it is impossible. With Him, all things are possible, even this. Matthew 7:12a So then, whatever you desire that others would do to and for you, even so do also to and for them... Luke 6:31 And as you would like and desire that men would do to you, do exactly so to them.

Texas weather

I am confused. I was under the understanding that Texas summer weather was dry and warm, most days. I also understood that Texas had rather frequent thunderstorms (REAL thunderstorms for those of you who have never lived in the southern mid-west) that usually hit in the spring and summer. But frequent???? I sit here this morning, listening to the thunder, strong wind, and rain hit my windows. This has to be the 60 th storm in 62 days that has hit where I live in the great state of Texas! We have had too much rain! When it rains in Texas, it floods. The ground is so flat here, there are no valleys or ravines for the water to run into, so it simply stands, and gets higher and higher. It is dangerous. Even a small shower will cause the roads to be hazardous due to standing water. And my commute into Dallas today! Let's not even talk about the time it will take to drive, in the rain, into Dallas. Nothing will be going on except the rain. The cars will be going slow, which makes sense,...

Having a teenage daughter

I believe that I am very blessed to have a daughter. The first two children born into our family were boys, and even though I was happy to have boys and I loved raising our sons, there was something inside of me that yearned for a daughter. I enjoy my relationship with my mother, and as I became a mother myself, I thought it would be neat to carry that mother-daughter thing into the next generation. I was excited to think of dressing a baby in pretty pink, ruffled outfits, and had visions of placing hair clips and bows into flowing long hair. I persuaded Fred to try for this daughter that I dreamed about and when she was finally born, she was everything I ever imagined - except she didn't have much hair. This did remedy itself as time went on and now, at 13, she has beautiful flowing blond hair. What I did not dream about was what my life would be like when my beautiful, sweet daughter turned into a teenager! She did not ask my permission, but one day she went to bed as my ...


Some time back, I was going through some serious struggles. I had made a big move, leaving good friends, and even one child behind to come to the big state of Texas. My mom had been involved in a serious accident and we lost her husband who was a big part of our family. I had also been struggling with some questions to God, about people who claim to know Him and even serve Him, but seem to easily walk a lifestyle of anger, hatred, abuse, and proclaim "enemy status" toward fellow brother's and sister's in Christ...with seemingly no conviction or remorse. This lead me to search my own heart in regard to the same type of fatal flaws in my own life, wanting desperately to be free of all hatred and bitterness. I sought much counsel during this time, from a counselor, ministers, and trusted friends, but my mother shared with me something that changed my heart and helped me heal and live in the freedom of Jesus Christ! It is a prayer, and I have committed to praying it daily...


The last two days, our family has been doing a lot of celebrating. On June 11, our oldest son, Adam, turned 23, and today our middle son, Aaron, turned 20. Both of them have chosen to spend time with family, their celebration of choice. So, we spent a whole day cooking a hamburger and hot dog feast, swimming in the pool...after dark and with a swimming pool disco ball. (very cool pool toy) As I sat back and watched my two grown children and the one who is 13, hang out, play board games, swim, laugh, play, eat, and just spend time together in the kitchen, on the porch and in the pool, I am SO thankful that our two adult kids chose to spend time in that way to celebrate. Aaron's girlfriend, Amy, was also here. She fits right in and everyone loves her. It is such a wonderful blessing to have a family who enjoys being together, by choice, not out of obligation, to celebrate special events in our lives. Family. What a cool thing. God's way of giving us best friends...built right int...


I have been thinking recently about ethnic diversity. Rebecca, my daughter, has several friends. One of her very best friends is a beautiful Korean girl. Another one of her best friends is a fellow flutist, who happens to be a lovely young African American girl. One day recently, I saw the three of them together and realized what a beautiful picture of diversity they are. I told Rebecca I wanted the other two girls to come over soon so that I could take some photos of them. I want to frame a large picture and put it in my home, as art, and as a symbol of the total beauty of the three of them, united in friendship, and diverse in culture. I love it. It is beautiful. I thank God for my daughter (and others) who see people for who they are. Beautiful.

Hair cut

I got a hair cut last week. I told a few people that I was going to cut it, but for most people, it was a surprise! It is interesting how something as simple as a haircut can change an entire outlook. I love the short hair. I was in and out of the swimming pool all weekend, without concern about how my hair would look. To my pleasure, it looked pretty good in between dips. I love the haircut. It is fun. It is easy. I love the compliments, too! Life is good. Short hair is great!

Beginning Blog

I love to read. I love to write. Funny, I even love to read what I write! Some time back, my son, Adam, helped my mom set up a blog. It was fun listening to them work on the beginning of what was to be her blog site. I read it every few days, and always enjoy being able to read the things that are on her mind and heart. Even though I talk to her quite often, I always learn something new when I read her blog. It has finally inspired me to start one of my own. I have no idea what I plan on writing here...whatever is on my mind, I guess. So, I will write...on this blog. And I may be the only one who reads what I write, but that is OK. Some things are more about "me". This is one of those things.