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Keeping Our Vision Clear (Chapter 7)

So, I am a little late on my post this week. I had quite a few things to ponder from this chapter, the first one in how many times I have sounded like Lysa as she fought for her new kitchen curtains. But what really spoke to my heart was the countenance on Lysa's face as she looked in the mirror post victory after winning permission for the curtains. My husband recently told me that my own facial expression seemed much more relaxed in recent months as I have let go of some self focused vision of my own. I looked back at some photographs taken during the time that I was really struggling and realized that my own expression was harsh and the smile was forced. I knew that the only way that I would regain the genuine joy in my face was to focus on God and quit looking at myself. It was a timely reminder.

I loved reading the story of Peter's radical obedience. Read the story here. And the three truths that Lysa pointed out were radically simple but radically important to our vision of obedience.

Our call to obedience may challenge our pride.
How true and what a great example in Peter's story. Peter was, after all, the professional fisherman and Jesus was a carpenter. When Jesus told Peter to drop his net on the other side of the boat, I love how Peter didn't argue that he knew more about fishing than Jesus did. He just did it, swallowed his pride and did it.

God uses our experiences to equip us for our calling.
This is a truth that I have believed in the past, but realized when I read this section that I have stopped living like I believe it. Maybe my more recent experiences have been so difficult that I just want to dump them when it is over. I have even prayed and looked forward to the change that I am certain God has in store for me when He sees me to the other side. But to equip me for my calling? Somehow along the way, I quit looking at my current and recent experiences as part of my "training", so to speak. What a wonderful thing to grab hold of again. Knowing that really and truly, what He is bringing me through will be necessary for me to do what He calls me to do.

Our obedience may inspire others to respond.
Good stuff. Isn't that what it is all about? And Lysa hits a great point as she addresses what Peter did with all those fish he caught...he left everything and followed Jesus. Our obedience is not to be about the blessings that we receive because of our obedience, but how we glorify Him and point other people to Him.

The other thing that challenged me was Lysa's story about Art's hunting trip in Africa. My husband is considering making a very large airplane. (we should have this decision by the end of the month...please pray with me!) I want to be encouraging and know that it is something that he has always dreamed of. So far, I have managed to give only positive feedback, but occasionally, my focus becomes very self centered. I think about the things that I might have to sacrifice, financially and regarding my husband's time. I sometimes am hit with how frivolous this purchase seems. But, what I really know is my husband is a very wise man. He makes great financial decisions and I have no reason to not trust him. I also know that he has sacrificed almost everything that he has wanted for me to stay home with the children, to pay for college tuition so we don't have to take loans, let me drive the newer car - ALWAYS - and many, many other sacrifices over the years. I believe that it is absolutely possible that making this purchase could change him, in positive ways as well. ( my dear husband is a little uptight when it comes to spending ) My desire is to give him the respect that he deserves and desires. My vision may be a little narrow here, but I want to see the bigger picture in this situation.

So, I end this chapter with Lysa's beautiful prayer.

Oh, Lord, give me the desire to be too busy looking at You to consider anything but Your plan! Strip away my short and narrow vision to see the wonderful adventure of truly being Your follower. Help me to be like Your disciples who followed immediately and fully rather than like the people who simply played games at the foot of your cross.

My favorite quote this chapter: "Truly a woman who says yes to god knows that her life will follow where she focuses her vision."


Lelia Chealey said…
I don't know how I ever missed reading this the first time. It has been a blast to grow closer to God through these studies together. I came back to this post to look for quote from you I could put on my sidebar about this study. I knew I'd find something of value in your post.
Love you Liz!!

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