Continuing my thoughts on being thankful, I have to talk about friendships. Through the course of my life, I have been blessed with many friends. Starting when I was a little girl, I loved friends. I collected them like treasures. As far back as I remember, I realized that friends make the world a better place.
My first best friend was a girl that I met when I was in first grade named Michelle. She and I are still friends today, and our "best" friendship lasted well into High School. Our families did things together, we spent the night together often, invited one another along on family vacations and looked for any opportunity to hang out. This life philosophy continued for me as I have gone through all phases of my life. God has always provided me with circles of friends, really good friends and a handful of those who I call "best" friends.
Best friends are the ones who you can not only confide in - the good, the bad, and the indifferent - but also the friends who will tell you what they see about you. In other words, my BEST friends have permission, if you will, to tell me what they see about me that I need to know. An easy example is letting me know if I have spinach in my teeth (Ashley just told me this recently!). But it goes beyond this. My best friends can tell me that I am being ugly or hateful or bitter and I will know that she wants what's best for me and loves me.
I have one friend, who God has given to me, that is the best of the best. She is a rock. Our friendship has endured things that I cannot even describe. On the occasions that I have tried to describe the hard times we have made it through...others' are amazed that the friendship has survived. Credit goes entirely to our Heavenly Father, who orchestrated our meeting and gave us an amazing ability to relate to one another. Our friendship is not perfect, we fight like sisters. But forgiveness is never denied and unconditional love (agape) prevails. I know she wants what is best for me, and me for her. When she hurts, I hurt. When she rejoices, I rejoice. Our hope is that we will be little old ladies, hanging out together, drinking coffee in someone's kitchen, talking about how long we've been friends. We will do it! We have what it takes. She is loyal to the bone. We are committed to being the type of friends that God designed...sharing life, sharing Christ, and supporting one another through all things.
I am thankful for ALL my wonderful friends. You are all super friends and you are there for me. Old ones like Michelle, Pam, Cindy, and Jeanne. A few in Virginia like Tina, Bridgette, Stephanie, and Nancy who moved from there. Lori who is steadfast and helped with God's plan to bring us to Flower Mound. Susan who God moved to Texas before he brought me here so we could keep our friendship going. Even renewed friends like Lorinda, Erin and Kate. I am very grateful for my new friends like Tana, Ashley, and Angela...who have helped me realize that God ALWAYS answers prayer! And Jessica, Janie, Elsa who have enriched my life at work and beyond. And I am ever so thankful for Ruthie who I can truly and from the heart, call my best...
SO THANKFUL for friends!

My first best friend was a girl that I met when I was in first grade named Michelle. She and I are still friends today, and our "best" friendship lasted well into High School. Our families did things together, we spent the night together often, invited one another along on family vacations and looked for any opportunity to hang out. This life philosophy continued for me as I have gone through all phases of my life. God has always provided me with circles of friends, really good friends and a handful of those who I call "best" friends.
Best friends are the ones who you can not only confide in - the good, the bad, and the indifferent - but also the friends who will tell you what they see about you. In other words, my BEST friends have permission, if you will, to tell me what they see about me that I need to know. An easy example is letting me know if I have spinach in my teeth (Ashley just told me this recently!). But it goes beyond this. My best friends can tell me that I am being ugly or hateful or bitter and I will know that she wants what's best for me and loves me.
I have one friend, who God has given to me, that is the best of the best. She is a rock. Our friendship has endured things that I cannot even describe. On the occasions that I have tried to describe the hard times we have made it through...others' are amazed that the friendship has survived. Credit goes entirely to our Heavenly Father, who orchestrated our meeting and gave us an amazing ability to relate to one another. Our friendship is not perfect, we fight like sisters. But forgiveness is never denied and unconditional love (agape) prevails. I know she wants what is best for me, and me for her. When she hurts, I hurt. When she rejoices, I rejoice. Our hope is that we will be little old ladies, hanging out together, drinking coffee in someone's kitchen, talking about how long we've been friends. We will do it! We have what it takes. She is loyal to the bone. We are committed to being the type of friends that God designed...sharing life, sharing Christ, and supporting one another through all things.
I am thankful for ALL my wonderful friends. You are all super friends and you are there for me. Old ones like Michelle, Pam, Cindy, and Jeanne. A few in Virginia like Tina, Bridgette, Stephanie, and Nancy who moved from there. Lori who is steadfast and helped with God's plan to bring us to Flower Mound. Susan who God moved to Texas before he brought me here so we could keep our friendship going. Even renewed friends like Lorinda, Erin and Kate. I am very grateful for my new friends like Tana, Ashley, and Angela...who have helped me realize that God ALWAYS answers prayer! And Jessica, Janie, Elsa who have enriched my life at work and beyond. And I am ever so thankful for Ruthie who I can truly and from the heart, call my best...
SO THANKFUL for friends!