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Cleaning House, Cleaning Heart

Yesterday was a monumental day for me. Due to a recent job promotion and an increase in salary to support this, I arranged for someone to come and clean my house professionally. I was nervous about this decision but excited at the same time. I felt a little frivolous. I tried to justify this decision with the "I just really don't have time" comments, but my dear husband reminded me of all the other things I do have time for (one being this blog) that I would rather do instead. I gave in and admitted that I just don't want to spend my entire weekend keeping my house clean anymore. Regardless of the reasons behind the decision, the day came yesterday...the first time someone else would clean our house. (thankfully it will happen while we are at work going forward but the first time she wanted us to be available.)

My lovely house helper arrived promptly at 9:00 a.m., as agreed upon. She had already informed me that she would bring someone along to help. So, the two women, one somewhere around 40 and the other in her 20's, gathered the requested cleaning supplies and went to work. Now, let me say that I have always thought I kept a decently clean house. If I ever complain about my house being dirty, someone always says, "Oh, Liz! Your house is ALWAYS clean!" So, I was fairly comfortable with the situation as they went to work.

They went after it...attacking the dirt in my house like it was poison. Blinds were washed, corners were cleaned, lamps that hadn't seen the natural light of day were brushed clean, floors were mopped and I didn't know my shower doors could shine like they are right now! Wow! In less than 3 hours these ladies worked a miracle on this house! As they were leaving, I asked how it was. The one in charge said, "Not too bad but there was a whole lot of dust! It will be better next time." I embarrassingly thanked her, paid her and confirmed the next visit but then enjoyed living in a spotless least for the next day or two!

I had scheduled some social time with a friend for the rest of the and a movie. (woo hoo...SO much better than cleaning house all day!) and when I picked her up, she asked how it went. I told her I was amazed that in under three hours, these two ladies swept through my house, finding all the dirt and filth and making it clean! I couldn't believe it. As I went through the day with my friend of going on 20 years, talking about our lives, our struggles, our joys, and our worries, I pondered...Wouldn't it be nice if someone could just come in to our lives and clean them up in less than three hours? So many things that I am worried about, anxious about, areas of regret, lost hopes and dreams, lost time, pain, hurt, that betrayal word I talked about before...all of these things that keep me awake at night like dust bunnies screaming under my bed...what if I could hire someone to come in and wash and dust them all away?

Hmm. I know someone who can. Maybe it will take more than three hours. That might be my problem...not wanting to wait! I would like for it all to be gone immediately and never return. But there are some days that I feel all shiny and clean, I have let God clean my heart, allowed Him to control my thoughts, but it doesn't stay that way forever. Just like I had to reschedule the house helpers, I have to reschedule time with my heart helper to keep my life clean too. I believe it is time for a three hour visit with Him!


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10


Mary Ann said…
Glad they did such a good job on the house, glad you had it done and glad for the analogy! Mom
Anonymous said…
Man...I read this wishing I had a maid! As I look at my dirty house!!!
Anonymous said…
With a daughter who works for a cleaning service you would think I would have a spotless home. She called me into our bedroom to preform the white glove test on my book shelves only to show me how badly I have failed the test! I have banished her from my room unless she comes with cleaning supplies in hand ready to work.

I have 6 people living in my home and 6 animals (5 indoors 3 in a cage). This place is very lived in. I never catch up and I am one of those people who thinks everything must be clean and in its place before company arrives. I drive myself mad!

I have been considering adding a maid service to the main living (my space) section of the house. We have so much tree damage I don't know how I can devote time to both this spring.
Liz said…
I totally understand! Ondina (the cleaning woman) had to work extra hard because I had 7 people living in the house for a month over Christmas and I have dog who (God love him) sheds horribly plus two birds! I am still smiling because the house feels clean and it's going into the third day today! I was spinning my wheels trying to keep up, dropping things like lamp shades and glad she was here!!!!!!

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