Friday, April 16, 2010

Warning - You Are Probably Fat


Don't go to read this article if you are easily offended, especially regarding your weight.

I popped over to one of my favorite blogs this morning - The Resurgence blog and read this very direct article on...well, quite bluntly, being fat. I read it because I have found myself struggling with weight creeping up on me the last few years (turning 40 some time back changed my metabolism greatly!). About a year ago, I decided I was finished with the excess and have been gradually losing weight ever since. Recently, I have found the last 15 pounds to be like concrete stuck to my 5'2" frame and hence my interest in hearing what John Catanzaron M.D. has to say about it. After reading his article I am more motivated - spiritually - to rid myself of the excess weight. Caring for my body, also the temple of the Holy Spirit, has been part of my desire in obtaining a healthier weight, but there are other factors as well. Feeling good in general is important to me. I also hope to spend some good, quality years with my children (and hopefully grandchildren some day). But honoring God with my health was my main reason...or so I beleived. I don't think that I was living that statement based on what Dr. Catanzaron wrote here:
"A person cannot call themselves spiritually fit if they excuse the fact that they are fat! If you are fat, regardless of the reason, your fat is a poor testimony of what Christ is accomplishing in and through your life. Our bodies that God has blessed us with are to be cared for with respect and honor. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

He also says there is no excuse for being fat. True that. Plain and simple, I eat more calories than I burn. Period.

So, with new found motivation, I continue my goal of fitness. A fit Christian is a healthy Christian and that is all inclusive; fitness of spirit, mind and body. All are essential to honor and glorify God in this human body.

I guess I AM going to the gym tonight. :)


Paula V said...

Great post and so glad I came here from your FB. I'll try to sneak over and read the Doc's article. I have believed this for years but never had the nerve to say anything. I am may not be considered overweight by my looks but then most don't see me in my bathing suit and definitely not birthday suit. I admit I can be judgmental...there...I said it. Ha. Seriously, though I believe our bodies are God's temples regardless of weight. So if we are thin as a rail but excessive eating (and have high metabolism) or excessive drinking or's all the same. should be treated with purity. Amen sister! Great stuff.

H-Mama said...

Such a daily commitment, isn't it? Sigh.

Joy Junktion said...

I Agree!!

Yet, when you are working at it sooooooo hard and it doesn't come off ~~~ very discouraging!

So, I press on!

Thanks for the reminder.