Reflecting as the month of November comes to a close, it is easy this month to list the multitude of ways that God tells me He loves me. He whispers at times, but this month, He bellowed it from the heavens, in loud, undeniable ways. "I love you, my daughter, Liz! Let me show you!"
This week I heard Him.
71. Celebrating. I love holidays and this time of year is like the peak of wonderful for me! It starts with my birthday and doesn't end until New Years. I always feel like it's one big party.
72. Perfect timing. God's timing is so perfect. He brings the right people at just the right time, and as odd as it sounds, He removes people at just the right time. I saw that going both ways this week. Amazing.
73. Silly as it sounds, the fact the the Thanksgiving meal went off without a hitch. I only had a one minute or less panic attack, but otherwise, all the food timed out perfectly, tasted wonderful, and we even tried new recipes!
74. Antibiotics. Both my daughter and myself have officially been diagnosed with sinusitis. Luckily, we have seen the doctor and will be on the mend soon.
75. I was able to complete almost all of my Christmas shopping in one weekend! I really do think I am finished...and this is fantastic! I have a few little things to pick up, but all that is left is the fun stuff now; no lists to carry around, no sales to watch for, f.i.n.i.s.h.e.d.
76. Quiet time. Every morning at 5:30 a.m., I sit down with my God, who I am crazy in love with and every morning when I get up, I can't wait until it is time to sit with Him again.
77. When I listen to my children, now grown and nearly grown, I thank God for the way that He has blessed me in the fact that they have learned to love to celebrate the way I prayed that I might teach them to. My kids love to celebrate the holidays and they love the rich traditions that we have developed.
78. Pool covers. What a great invention and I am grateful that my husband has covered our pool for the winter. It is not fun when you have to put your hand in sub-zero temperatures and with the cover, we probably won't have to do that!
79. My husband. He never ceases to amaze me. He stays calm in the craziest of storms (even though he crazily can storm in the calm?) and is a solid rock. God was thinking when He gave me this man!
Enjoy the last couple of days of November!
