My heart is in my throat! My stomach is turning around and around inside of me. I just dropped my daughter off at the football game. Now, this in itself is not enough to make me feel this way. After all, she has attended football games for the last two years. But, this football game is different! She is on her first date...with her first boyfriend! My emotions are bubbling with anxiety as I type that.
She is on a group date....sort of. Her friend accompanied her (purposefully invited to ease the nervousness.) Her boyfriend also has a friend along. And his family is chaperoning. So, it is an appropriate date for eighth graders...but still, IT IS A DATE!!!!
Rebecca and this young man have been friends since the sixth grade. They talk to each other quite a bit. He has asked her out twice in the past and she declined, mostly because they are such good friends. But, as they have matured (and now that he is taller than she is), the attraction has changed a little bit. And it is safe. They already know they like each other. They are skipping a lot of the awkwardness that would be there if they hadn't been friends for so long!
And I have been an instigator in all this. Rebecca and all of her friends know that I like this guy myself. I think he is cute. So, whenever all the girls are around me, talking about who likes who and such, I will often chime in...."I think Rebecca should go out with Michael." Everyone always agrees.
So, today I came home from work and Rebecca tells me that Tori, her friend down the street has something to tell me. I try to figure it out..."did Tori cut her hair off?", "did she break her arm?", "is my friend's daughter here from Virginia (Tori's sister-in-law)"? What could it possibly be??? All of this is a set-up. Tori wants to see my reaction at the news that it is official, "Rebecca and Michael are going out." I screamed, "Well, FINALLY! It is about time!" They both laughed! Then they told me the whole story, not leaving out one little detail. As we talk, Rebecca is texting Michael to tell him how I reacted.
So, now I wait. The mom...the waiting mom...for my daughter to return from her first date! SIGH! I really don't know what to think. Excuse me...I feel a little ill..................