I just returned home from a new Bible Study class at Fellowship church. It is called This is My Story and it is written by Lisa Whelchel (you might know her as Blair from the Facts of Life TV show). It is cool to have her personal input on a "class" that she developed. (she is a member of my church and she told her "story" tonight.)
Now, I am a little excited and a little skeptical about this study. I am excited to record "my story" in a format that might be interesting to others. I want to leave a legacy of sorts for my children and other family members who might have interest in who I am, where I came from, and how my faith story has affected how I live.
I am a little nervous because I have high expectations for the storybook that I will be putting together. I am also nervous because I am leading a group of women through the small group portion of the class and I am sort of anxious about it. (although it went fine tonight)
The skeptism comes in because I am not a big scrap booker. Many who are in the class are not scrap book gals. But, it is a scrap book of sorts. There is a good portion of journaling...I like to journal in case you haven't noticed. But scrap booking?? I am a bit of a skeptic here.
It will be fun to do the Bible Study, the quiet times with God and think about the way He has worked through out my life, the unique ways that He has created me and blessed me. I look forward to making this scrapbook of God's faithfulness. I will be creating a legacy of faith...my faith in Him. And I am doing it with a couple of my new friends which will be fun. We will get to know each other better, and get to know the other ladies in our group better too.
Keep watch for more to come on my new adventure in scrapbooking my walk with God. Check out Lisa's web site for more information http://www.lisawhelchel.com/my_book.htm or go to Lifeway.com who published her book.