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Project 365 Week 20

Week 20 of a picture a day for a year, and I did miss Tuesday.
Since I took a couple of extra for Saturday, I am not going to fret!
Here we go....

Monday, September 28
Dinner - Shrimp quesadillas
I was very glad to live in a part of the country where seafood and Mexican are popular- together.
This is one of my favorites, and it is very quick to prepare.

Tuesday, September 29
there is no picture.

Wednesday, September 30
I bought new rugs for my kitchen. I finally threw away the rugs that we have had for 8 years!
It took me almost a month to find something that I was was willing to buy. I could not find anything close to what we had before (navy and cream). It took me two days to even take the tags off of the ones I bought. I think I can tolerate them. I would have eliminated the rugs entirely, but this is the area below the kitchen sink, and with the wood floors, there was too much water splashing to not have a rug.

Thursday, October 1
I was suppose to go marching practice tonight and learn my daughter's routine for Parent Night.
But, it rained like crazy and flooded the school parking lot (the electricity was also knocked out).
So, I went outside to survey the damage in my yard and wondered if I could capture the sparkling water on the plants.
Not really, but I will keep trying.
(unless you click on it and make it full screen)

Friday, October 2
I headed out of town right after work and school to go to Tulsa for the weekend.
This is Rebecca and Josh in the backseat of the car as we began traveling out of town.

Saturday, October 3
This is Fred, the Great Pyrenees, getting in his vehicle.
He was at the Art Show in Utica Square.
We stopped by here before going to the fair.

Tulsa State Fair

Rebecca and Josh, with my mom, (Grandma) at the fair.
Neither Rebecca or Josh had ever been to a fair before.

Sunday, October 4
It has become a tradition to eat breakfast at Phill's Diner when we visit Tulsa, and usually the morning we leave. It is a great place to eat something hearty before hitting the road. I almost always order Eggs Benedict. This morning was no exception and it was great, as always.

Have a wonderful week!



Tracy said…
I can honestly say that shrimp quesidias isn't something I would've thought of. lol What else goes on it besides shrimp and the cheese? I couldn't tell if there were onions and stuff.

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