Hello there!
And welcome to week 23 of my 365 Project.
One picture a day for a year!
But the purpose...
to open my eyes to the things that I might not see in my every day life
things worth remembering...
Here we go!
One picture a day for a year!
But the purpose...
to open my eyes to the things that I might not see in my every day life
things worth remembering...
Here we go!
It has been my goal to lose weight and for about 4 months, I have been doing just that.
(total so far...about 20 pounds)
One of the things that I have learned is that planning healthy meals is an ABSOLUTE MUST
in order for me to make healthy choices.
So, I have several cookbooks that I use.
The photograph on the top book is what I made for dinner on Monday.
We had a baby shower at work today. I took a picture of this really cute cake.
Since nobody else had a camera, I ended up being the photographer for the shower.
And no, I didn't have any cake.
One of the biggest challenges to doing this project are the days that I go to work, go to the gym, come home to cook dinner, take care of my evening chores, and go to bed.
Wednesday was one of those days.
So, this is my desk at work. I have settled in a little bit more than the first picture I took of this desk on my first day at this new job.
Oh, how I have been waiting and waiting for this day to get here!!!!!
Me, and two of my really, really good friends
(you have seen them on here before...Tricia & Marla)
went to see THIRD DAY in concert!
This band has been one of my favorites for almost 15 years!
I love...can I say it loud enough...LOVE! this band.
Extra special - it was Tricia's very first Christian Concert!
And she loved it!
We had an awesome, wonderful time of worship, admiring, singing, dancing, hugging, crying, loving, and thanking God for His glorious blessings!
(and yes...we were that close to the stage!
That is Mac Powell on the left and Mark Lee on the right!)
My hubby and his best friend...and a big bunch of guys...all went to a big fly in
in Reklaw,TX.
It is an annual event and a tradition for Fred, Dan, and several others.
Lori, my BFF and Dan's wife, we did what we like to do....shop!
This is the roof at one of the malls near our house, and the mall the houses one of the stores that Lori and I love to shop in. They were having a sale...we were all there!
Saturday, October 23
Rebecca had her friend, Suzy, over to spend the night. They have been friends since 7th grade and for some of that time, inseparable. There have been some hard times in their friendship, but love and loyalty wins out. It was great having both of them around for the weekend!
Rebecca had her friend, Suzy, over to spend the night. They have been friends since 7th grade and for some of that time, inseparable. There have been some hard times in their friendship, but love and loyalty wins out. It was great having both of them around for the weekend!
My friend, Ashley's son, Collin's baseball team was having a fundraiser.
They were selling pansies!
I bought some and planted them today.
The weather was beautiful and so are the pansies!
Texas is the only place I have lived that I know, I KNOW, that the pansies will stay alive all winter long. It just doesn't freeze for long enough to kill them.
After I planted the pansies, I took a really long nap!
What a perfect weekend,
and a lovely week.
I hope yours was too!