(click link above for more fun Fill-Ins to read)
It is Friday! Hooray! To celebrate, how about a Friday Fill-In post?
Let's go....
Let's go....
1. The last band I saw live was _THIRD DAY_.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is _spending time with family_. (if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, insert your favorite holiday)
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is _one of my favorite things to do_.
4. Thoughts of _all different kinds_ fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear _skinny jeans_.
6. Bagpipes _remind me of Busch Gardens_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _hanging out with my hubby_, tomorrow my plans include _High School play-off football game at the new Dallas Cowboys stadium!_ and Sunday, I want to _go to church services, get things ready for the week ahead, and then relax_!
Happy Weekend!
