I know it is already Friday night, but I am going to post my Friday Fill in...hey! The night's not over!
1. You get _the biggest joy out of the holiday season when you focus on giving and not receiving_.
2. _It is my personal_ right to _believe in the holy, living God.
3. It's _Christmas_time.
4 ._To hold on to a grudge is absolutely_ ridiculous!
5. I feel more _like I am right with God than I ever have been_
6. _Sweet dreams and_...goodnight!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _hearing good news about my pastor's surgery_, tomorrow my plans include _cycle class, some decorating around the house and some shopping_ and Sunday, I want to _worship in the new worship center at the Village Church!
I hope you enjoy your weekend like I hope to enjoy mine!