Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Matt's Pathology results revealed

Today the pathology report was provided for our church family. Our very loved pastor, Matt Chandler, has a malignancy. The entire update is available at the link below, but in short, he will see a Neuro-oncologist this week to discuss further treatment. The nature of the tumor hindered the removal of it all and several treatment options will be considered.

-In the meantime, we will pray for the following:

-Wisdom for all the coming decisions

-Strength and peace to endure

-The kids’ (Audrey, Reid and Norah) hearts; pray the Lord is merciful as they process and that their little hearts do not grow embittered

-The Chandlers and The Village would suffer well because of the gospel and for the sake of Christ’s name.

The gospel is our hope and the Lord is our strength.

The entire update as released by the staff at The Village Church can be viewed by clicking the link below.
Pathology results revealed

Thank you for your prayers!


pam said...

Thankful that He promises to use ALL things for good for those who love Him....He is the same faithful God He was before the seizure, during surgery and after the diagnosis.

Paula V said...

Oh wow. Boy does it ever stretch our faith to hear less-than-desire reports. I will go directly there to read. I know Matt will be a faithful servant no matter what.
Sweet blessing, Liz.