Thursday, June 26, 2008

Home and Healing

Oh how it feels good to be home.

The time I had in Virginia was fun and relaxing for the most part. I totally enjoyed spending time with my friends and most certainly, my son and his girlfriend. My daughter was able to see people and places that have been near to her heart and learn that things do change and God has her where He wants her right now.

And I was able to accomplish what I hoped and prayed would happen. I discovered truth and lies. I have been waiting for years for particular words to be spoken and they finally were said. What a relief. I no longer have to wonder what is true and what is not. Intuitively I knew some things and they were confirmed. It feels good to know that I am not totally crazy, that I have been lied to, and to finally know the truth.

I now walk ahead, knowing who I am, living with what God will accomplish in my life as He has lead me through the season in my life that has come to an end. Even though I have wandered off the path He was leading me down, He waits for me as I crawl back to Him for His perfect guidance, love, and grace. I have made a lot of mistakes and taken a lot of hard knocks, but He is with me and He walks with me every single step. He is gracious as He provides people who love me, unconditionally, even as I admit the mistakes I have made. They also walk with me and support me. How grateful I am for His perfect provision, His strong protection, and His unending love.

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