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Behind Those Eyes - Chapter 8

We are completely loved and accepted completely.
That is the chapter title this week and it is such good news!
It is news that I have heard before, but news that I was glad to hear again.
Lisa's story at the end of the chapter touched my know, the one where she woke up the morning after her prayer asking God to let her know that they were okay. The song in her head, that really was in her heart is awesome.
I have had those times.
Recently, I have had quite a few. The last few months (years maybe?) have been a little difficult. Some days I have wondered, "Does He REALLY love me?"
And then some sort of confirmation will come along, He will let me know that we are okay and my heart sings.
His love is gentle.
His love is perfect.
His love is comforting.
And his love is absolutely unconditional.
My blog time is shortened this week due the death in my family. My post is short, but honest and heartfelt.
This week, I had a couple of conversations with a good friend of mine who turned her life over to Jesus just a few months ago.
As expected, she has faced some challenges as she tries to walk in new life with Him.
She has stumbled a bit.
She comes back.
She stumbles.
We all know the story.
She and I talked and she felt so unworthy, so much like a failure, and like she couldn't be honest with me, it was too embarrassing.

Oh, dear friend. We have all been there.

I shared with her, what I have shared before, but it makes more sense to her today.

My mistakes. My sins. My immorality.

My God.
He loves.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39
For more on Behind Those Eyes
visit Lelia's blog Write From The Heart


Liz-I had a similiar curcimstance like Lisa wrote about this week. I had a very rough Sunday-I was livid over something...well, over some "lies". And yet, when I opened my devotion up on Monday morning...God was all over it and the "lies"-proving Himself to be ever present, ever loving of me. He softened my heart and gave me the peace that He will protect me, He will love and accept me.
The timing of this chapter could not have been more perfect for me.

In His Graces~Pamela

PS_love that turkey!!
Paula V said…
Liz, I am so sorry for your loss. How wonderful for your friend to come to the Lord recently. When you mentioned her hard times, I thought "oh warn her of the hard times to come." I think when we are first Christians we need so much discipleship so we will not be falsely led to believe all will be well in life. Rather, coming to Christ usually means coming to more heartache and trials. Why? Because the Spirit within us is now fighting with our flesh and the world.

Blessings to you,
Tammy said…
Short,sweet and so beautifully said!

We've all been there,a place of ugliness,yet God continues to love on us.

Liz,my heart goes out to you during your time of loss.
Laura said…
I am so sorry about the death in your family.Please accept my heartfelt condolences.
What a blessing to receive confirmation from the Lord as you write about. Those times are sweet, sweet, sweet.
YOur friend is so fortunate to have you to share her feelings about failure with. I am sure you have helped her in many ways.
Joy Junktion said…

I am continuing to keep your family in my prayers. Loss at any stage in life is difficult.

I'm so glad you friend has you to help guide her along. We all need a friend.

Blessings, Cindy
pam said…
I can hardly wait to get into this book--glory, but you all are sharing such cool journeys. Praying for your week--I can't imagine what all are feeling. So thankful you have good family and a good, good God.
LeeBird3 said…
Praying for God's daddy arms to hold you and your family close during this time of loss...and tell your new Believer friend to get on the blogs so we can love her up!
Carol said…
Liz, I'm lovin your turkey. So cute.

What a great post, and how exciting that your friend has now given her life to Christ, and you have so much to share with her.

I'm with Lee, bring her to bloggy land, so we can love on her.


Ps how weird that your added the code for AIH on that same post day. Also I have a link on my blog about free backgrounds.
Anonymous said…

How wonderful are you! I am so truly honored and blessed you are my friend. Its so great to have this friendship of non judgement and acceptance. I went to celebrate recovery last night, and I thought of you a lot. I really thing you will love it! I hope everything is going well with your trip and I am praying for you and your family at this time of loss. Love, Tricia
Tina said…
you're so cool! I'm so glad you're my friend!
I love that verse about nothing being able to separate us from the love of Christ because demons are pretty powerful in comparison to us..good thing we don't have to wrestle them alone. We have Jesus and through Him one another!!
Lisa said…
I am so sorry about your loss. At the same time, I am so thankful for your trust in Him and reminder that He loves you oh-so-very-much! The conversation you had with your friend represents the way we all, at times, feel. But God does not give us a spirit of fear or defeat, but rather, one of trust and love. I'm so grateful you are walking in that love, my friend!

Journey on, Liz!
Lisa :)
Lelia Chealey said…
OH this was beautiful Liz. I'm sorry for your loss. Life gone is never easy to embrace no matter the age.
Love you,

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