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Project 365 Week 18

This week has been a weekend of interesting highs and lows.
As I look back over the pictures that I took, I don't think I captured the "mood" very well, but it still is a visual representation of my week.
Here we go...

Monday, September 14
Sunday night, I returned from a spiritual retreat extremely tired, but on a mountain top,
of sorts. I had only enough time to eat and go to bed before I turned around and went to work on Monday morning. By the time I returned home Monday night, I could not wait to sit down and relax. My husband was working out of town this week and my daughter and I took it easy on Monday night. I fixed a quick dinner, picked up the book I am reading, lit some candles, put on some soft music and relaxed! This is the scene.

Tuesday, September 15
I had to go to the grocery store after work. Still in a positive frame of mind, I purchased some flowers to enjoy during the week. These Peruvian lilies are always inexpensive, colorful, and last well over a week.

Wednesday, September 16
Still acclimating myself to my new work environment, this is the view out of the window of the room where the copy machine is. It rained the entire week in Texas, and this was one of the dry moments. The clouds are still there, but I could actually see the Dallas skyline in the distance.

Thursday, September 17
Every morning at 6:45 a.m., I drop my daughter off at the high school for band practice.
It never ceases to amaze me that I am in a traffic jam, at this time of the morning, in the high school parking lot.
It's a terrible picture, but there you have it.

Friday, September 18
The football game was an hour and a half away this week, which gave our family (and the family of our best friends) a break from football games. We decided to go out to dinner, which we try to do at least once a month. We have known these guys for almost 20 years, and by looking at our photograph, I don't think we were trying to impress each other! We had just finished catching up on all our kids, Fred and I sharing about the possibility of one of our son's moving over seas for a season. I was still weepy, but we took the picture anyway.

Saturday, September 19
I went to the birthday celebration of a very dear friend on this night! And, boy! I needed the time with close friends! One of the things we did to celebrate was prepare one of our favorite recipes, then present the recipe to the birthday girl as a gift. I made Warm Olive Bruschetta.
This is what it looked like as I was getting packed up and ready to go.

Sunday, September 20
My daughter and I went shopping at one of our favorite stores this afternoon.
We needed to accessorize her homecoming dance outfit and we found a lovely pearl and (fake) diamond necklace, bracelet, and earrings. She will look beautiful next weekend. While we were there, we picked up a couple of fun things for each of us. She, that pretty purple top, and the navy and turquoise one for myself. This boutique has the most wonderful accessories of anywhere I have ever been, and they carry fun tops and dresses for special occasions.
The best part about's usually very affordable!
See the photos below, they have tons of items in every color! If you ever need something in particular, you are always in luck at Charming Charlies!

So, I started the week on a spiritual high, that was accompanied by exhaustion. I took care to take care of myself. God and I were walking along just beautifully, when I was given the news that my one son and his girlfriend could postpone the plans to move to Texas and spend a year in Vietnam instead. God had to pick me up and carry me for a couple of days, but then by the weekend again, I was back on track, realizing that God always knows what's best. He took care of me all week, and He takes care of my family too!

Have a wonderful week!


Joy Junktion said…
Hello, I've been away for awhile. Praying that all things are well.
Here is my new blog address:
Blessings, Cindy
Paula V said…
Lovely post. Enjoyed all the pictures. You are funny about being in a traffic jam in the parking lot. I had to chuckle.

Many blessings revealed in this post.

Hope to see pics of your daughter all dolled-up next week. :-)
Tracy said…
That was fun getting "caught up" with you since I was gone this weekend and missed the party. :-)
prashant said…
Lovely post. Enjoyed all the pictures. You are funny about being in a traffic jam in the parking lot. I had to chuckle.
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