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Random Acts of Poetry

Last night, my 15 year old daughter and I went to the hair salon, so when thinking about the poem I would write based on one word, I chose the one word "Hair".

So, here is my poem, based on one word, Hair, written in 60 seconds.

For more see Seedlings in Stone

Let's cut
Let's color
White or yellow?

Flying, falling
Washing, drying
Up or down?
Short or long?

It's only hair

Havin' fun!


L.L. Barkat said…
Oh, that was delightful. The 60-second poem totally suits you.

And what a fun photo!
Paula V said… before and after pics?

Love your signature.
Cindy said…
I'm needing a haircut myself so this was a good read for me. I also need to find a new stylist. That's a bit stressful.
Anonymous said…
cute...i like your style!
Anonymous said…
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