I know Ms. Spirituality. I spent many years playing her role. I was on the Music team, the discipleship team, writing curriculum, leading a small group, teaching various classes, mentoring one on one, holding a position on a leadership team, and organizing Women's retreats. Whew! Now, I can't say that I was pretending, because I was honestly walking with God and totally enjoyed the ministries that I was involved in...but it was way too much.
The verse, "To be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:6 speaks to me now, but didn't so much then. I did not realize how little peace I had. I was too busy doing to enjoy being.
God knew. He showed me. He plucked me right out of that situation and moved my family far away from that entire place. Every time I tried to play Ms. Spirituality in my new circumstances, He stopped me. I had to rest. I had to reestablish my relationship with Him. He urged me to spend all that time that I previously spent "doing" for Him just "being" with Him.
I learned to be more honest, like the woman who was upfront with her fear of bringing her alcoholic husband to the class and also like the woman in Luke who realized she couldn't remain hidden.
The choice was made by me to quit hiding behind Ms. Spirituality, confess my sin, my fears, and my struggles and trust God (and my fellow sisters & brothers in Christ) to deal with it - lovingly.
God is so very faithful in that He did just that.
I have been challenged by Him to be real, authentic. I don't have to hide behind a mask of pretending to be spiritual, I want to live it. My heart's desire is to love God with all of my heart, mind, and soul, then whatever He does with me as I live that way and love Him is what gives me spirituality. It does not mean that I am involved in every ministry opportunity, it does not mean that I never sin, or certainly that my life is perfect.
Sometimes that means my life, behavior, and words reflect my SELF and I sure do not look very spiritual. But this grieves me because I know it grieves my Lord. That is what makes me spiritual.
So, what is it to be spiritual?
I have to go back to that verse in Romans.
Life and peace. I hope that as I live my life, that other's see my faith, the love I have for God, the absolute truth that sometimes I fall down, but I know that God will pick me up. Peace in knowing that because of Him, I have His Holy Spirit in me to guide me, to teach me, to intercede for me, and His Spirit is what gives me any ounce of spirituality. I can't possibly be spiritual without Him.
I am not Ms. Spirituality. I am just Liz and He loves me anyway.
I have been challenged by Him to be real, authentic. I don't have to hide behind a mask of pretending to be spiritual, I want to live it. My heart's desire is to love God with all of my heart, mind, and soul, then whatever He does with me as I live that way and love Him is what gives me spirituality. It does not mean that I am involved in every ministry opportunity, it does not mean that I never sin, or certainly that my life is perfect.
Sometimes that means my life, behavior, and words reflect my SELF and I sure do not look very spiritual. But this grieves me because I know it grieves my Lord. That is what makes me spiritual.
So, what is it to be spiritual?
I have to go back to that verse in Romans.
Life and peace. I hope that as I live my life, that other's see my faith, the love I have for God, the absolute truth that sometimes I fall down, but I know that God will pick me up. Peace in knowing that because of Him, I have His Holy Spirit in me to guide me, to teach me, to intercede for me, and His Spirit is what gives me any ounce of spirituality. I can't possibly be spiritual without Him.
I am not Ms. Spirituality. I am just Liz and He loves me anyway.
Finding the balance is difficult. But when you do, oh the joy and peace you feel.
Great post.
Blessings Cindy
I am not Ms. Spirituality. I am just Liz and He loves me anyway.
What a powerful truth we all need to say!
Your words always blesses me!
a continual struggle for me. I am continually running around, rather than soaking in God's presence... really hard to get what I truly desire that way... true desire of my heart? To know Him better, and fall in love with Jesus more and more deeply.
thank you for your thoughts!
God bless,
Wonderful thoughts and such a blessing..."He loves me just like I am". So hard to get that through our heads at times.
I wonder how many committies and ministries that Phoebe in the N.T. served on? Chloe or Prisca (Priscilla)...no one mentions that except maybe Phoebe.
Love your perspective,
I'm not Ms. Spirituality. I'm just Liz and He loves me anyway.
How sweet and very true.
Thanks for your very kind words on my blog.
He always knows! And don't you just love His faithfulness. He took care of you, girl!
He is awesome.
I just love sharing these stories. It just amazes me to read how God has worked in so many lives.
Thanks for all of your encouragement!!
Wow reading your list exhausted me. Isn't it funny when God decides it's time to get our attention he does it in a big unexpected way.
What you wrote here at the end: Life and peace. I hope that as I live my life, that other's see my faith, the love I have for God, the absolute truth that sometimes I fall down, but I know that God will pick me up. Peace in knowing that because of Him, I have His Holy Spirit in me to guide me, to teach me, to intercede for me, and His Spirit is what gives me any ounce of spirituality. I can't possibly be spiritual without Him.
I'm with you I just want to be just Carol.
This was a great post, so glad were' friends. Thanks for all the love you've left on my comments.
Life and peace. Those are truly the symptoms of a thriving relationship with God. I celebrate with you that you have chosen to walk in truth and run after these things instead of "perfection" or "super spirituality." You are beautiful in His sight and dearly loved!
Much care,
Lisa :)