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A Lovely Day!


It has been one of those days that I look forward to! I had the perfect night's sleep last night after a little bout with insomnia. When the alarm clock beeped, I woke up happy because I realized that I had had an entire night of sound sleep! Oh, joy in the morning!

There was enough time to spend with my Heavenly Father this morning. His word spoke to me. My prayer time felt effective. My energy level was good...ready to start the day.

I absolutely love to spend a little time in the morning talking to a friend. After spending time with God, talking to a friend always lifts my spirits and helps me remember that I am not alone on this journey of life. I spent a little time chatting with my dear husband as we got ready for work. We had a genuine kiss good bye for the know what I mean...a meaningful kiss, not just the obligatory kind. I left for work knowing that my man loves me. As I started my 35 minute commute into Dallas, I called a dear, dear friend in Virginia. We used to talk almost daily during this time, but not quite as often anymore. (I miss it tremendously!) But we did talk this morning and it was wonderful. I love her with the deepest parts of who I am and thank God for our friendship. It has weathered many changes and I thank God for giving me such a wonderful blessing.

The work day was good. Tough, but good. I had several problems come at me, but I managed to make the best of all of them, answering questions and solving problems all day long. Crazy, but I love it. It fits me well. I felt effective. I was satisfied. I knew I was doing my job. And it felt good....all day. Additionally, I have made friends. Some of my work relationships have moved into my heart...there are some folks that I genuinely care about. WOW! I enjoy some of these people. They add positives to my life. I feel that God might be using me in some of these relationships. What a great feeling! I love my job. I enjoy my co-workers. And I consider some of them friends. This is SUCH a huge blessing in my life. THANK YOU, GOD! Answered prayer!

I went to the gym after work. This has been somewhat of a drudgery the past month and a half. But,, I could not wait. I looked forward to the 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. I anticipated the 15 minutes on the bike. I was eager to see how my abs felt after several days of strenuous work. I was pleased when I felt the tenderness in the muscles that I worked on over the weekend and yesterday. I actually experienced the "Zone". I had a little of the work out high. WOO HOO! Hooray for adrenaline!

When I arrived home, my dear husband was doing yard work. I thought he had intentionally taken off the pool cover, only to find out that it had been an accident that the cover moved off of the pool. I offered to help him finish the unplanned project, happily...for the first time in my memory! I was willing to be a help mate in an area that I had only been an observer in the past. And while preparing our swimming pool for spring, I enjoyed the wind blowing, the spring air, and even the snakes that were freaking out about our changing their environment. Life was good while in my back yard, the favorite part of my home, preparing my favorite place to spend time in warm weather...the backyard pool. Life is good.

I came in from the yard work to a message on my answering machine. I picked up the message to find an invitation to a comedy show on Friday night. My heart soared! Yeah! I had talked with my husband about possible Friday night plans and his homework would occupy him for the night. I was feeling sad and lonely until I picked up the invite from a new friend to go to a Christian Comedian Show on Friday night with a small group of ladies! Hip, hip, hooray! I received an invitation to do something fun...that I did not organize! Maybe someone actually desires to be my friend?!? What a lift in my spirits! I immediately returned the call and said "YES, I would love to go with you! THANK YOU FOR THE INVITATION!" God is good. He is faithful to answer prayer.

And I have signed up to do a Bloggy Bible Study. Way too cool. I am stoked to have such an opportunity to share with other ladies, from all over the USA, who all love our Lord Jesus! What a wonderful blessing. Check it out on my new and special friend, Lelia's blog....
I am so looking forward to what God has planned.

The trees are blooming and so is my heart. I watch the redbud's bloom, the tulip trees flower and know that Spring is in the air. New beginnings. Fresh starts. It is my absolute favorite time of year! I feel like everything is possible. I know that God is in control. He is the source of strength, my joy, and my best friend.

Life is good. God is good. He is so much a part of my life and knows my every need and my every desire. He is faithful to answer prayer. And today, I REJOICE at how wonderfully He takes care of me!

It has been a near perfect day!


Stopped by to say 'hello'again. Gotta love that kind of a day!! I hope you have many more of them!!
In His Graces~Pamela

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