That picture is a picture of my heart. It is how I feel after having traveled a long journey where the enemy walked with me some and I found my way back to God. This is how I will look this weekend while shopping with a friend, while babysitting for another friend, while attending the worship service at a fabulous, God seeking church. It is how I will look when I watch a movie with my husband this weekend, and how I will look when I go to work on Monday. Very importantly it is how I will look when I am in Virginia, visiting friends and spending time at the beach. I will be free of pain and anger. I will have boundaries in place (I have read ALL the boundaries books, for you who want to know) and I will be free to experience all the joy and abundance that God has to offer! (I wish I could add that the body is as voluptuous, but not true! It is a picture of the spirit...the attitude, not the physical! smile)
I have to say that I feel more free than I have felt in such a very long time. The pit has been deep and the bondage was strong.
The work I have done, the circumstances that God allowed in my life, and the closure in something that occurred yesterday has allowed me to feel like a 3000 pound weight has been lifted out of my heart!
Praise God that He satisfies every desire. Praise God that He finishes what He starts. I said goodbye yesterday and that sends my spirit souring!
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1