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ABC's of the Word - X (free verse)

Many, many years ago, a friend of mine shared a verse that she held on to during a serious trial in her life. I will never forget the conversation, the circumstances that had been in her life, and also the circumstances that were going on in mine that caused her to share it. God has taken me back to this same verse, many times, as I have hung on to him during dark, dark hours. A few times in my life, I have wondered if my broken heart would ever heal, if my spirit would ever soar, and the question would surface, "Where is my Jesus in all of this?"

Tragedy, Death, Unemployment, Betrayal, all of these have been part of my life, even recently.

My friend, the same dear friend who shared this verse, is going through a trial. It is a tragedy and one that I cannot even imagine the pain that she is feeling. God provided me the opportunity to share the same verse back at her today. And I pray with all my heart that God will take His words and plant them deep into her soul as she reaches out and relies on the One True Living God who is always there!

My verse for X week is Psalm 34:18

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and save those who are crushed in spirit.
For more verses, visit Grey Like Snuffie


Yolanda said…
What a testimony of how God's word does not return void.
Anonymous said…
May both of you continue to find comfort in believing this verse. Blessings ...
pam said…
something weird happened when I hit publish...don't know if I'll be duplicating BUT really a double shout out to God is worth it. I love that verse and it is so glorious.
sailorcross said…
This is a beautiful verse!! God is so close to us and when we feel crushed and brokenhearted, He will embrace us with His loving touch.

Thanks for reminding me of this verse--I haven't thought about this one for quite a while.

Thanks for stopping by to visit my ABC's, too!!

Laura said…
Oh, yes, I have clung to this one many times too, Liz. He catches my tears in a bottle...

I'll pray for your sweet friend.
Peggy said…
Blessings Liz...So much to cope but Jesus brings HOPE!

This is such a wonderful verse of COMFORT! How precious that these words once shared with you, can now be shared back to your friend! May these tragedies cease & Our Lord's Presence increase and BE CLOSE!

No more broken pieces, no more crushed in spirit...but piece by piece...restoration, recovery, renewal & revive the shattered
parts of the heart still in need of a Loving Father to plant them deep within & encourage & lift as we hang on to the hem of His garment!
If you need prayer, Beth at "The Power of Your Love" & she does ABCs
as well has a new Lighthouse of Prayer...
It is a great, great verse! I shared Ps 40:1-3 to a friend going through a very tough time just last night. It is scripture that is full of hope and promise!


In His Graces~Pamela
I found this while looking for your Self Talk... post. I have had some of these things happen over the years, too, and know that verse is true.

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