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Self Talk Soul Talk - chapter 2

(author's words quoted in blue)

Reading this chapter, I am face to face with some thoughts that need to come out of my "Thought Closet." Although I have not experienced labels in the same way the example, Dennis, did, I have been called a few things that; although might have some truth to them, they were destructive and hurtful. Truth is, they still swim around in my head, and even though I know my behavior might sometimes reflect those words, but it doesn't mean that I AM that.

this chapter has caused me to think about the difference.

It seems that when the words come from someone that we believe loves us, they might stick around easier. And if they come from myself, well, then I have the tendency to think they have to be true, after all, I know myself better than anybody...or do I?

I love what Jennifer says here,
"Until you choose to bring that out-of-place label into the light and make it line up with truth, it will control you. Instead of wearing it as a label, choose now to label it with the truth."
So, when I make a mistake, I am not an "idiot". I made a mistake.
When I make a decision that is based on meeting my own needs, I am not "selfish", I made a selfish choice.
I am the workmanship of God.
Try again.
Rely on Him.

I love, love, love the conversation with Marilyn Meberg. She has been one of my favorite authors and speakers for well over a decade and her wisdom always strikes the right chord for me. No exception in what she is quoted as having said here,
"Oh, sometimes I need the correction. Sometimes I need the discipline. Sometimes I need to own the truth. That's instruction. That's good for me. That builds me up. But when I feel condemned, like I'm not good enough, that's not instructive. That's destructive. Instruction brings life, condemnation brings destruction."

Amen to that.

Jennifer follows that comment with these words,
"Wise, truthful words are never harsh or unkind. They are gracious. Wise and truthful words are never wimpy or without power. They have authority."

That's the difference!

Hold up all those words and labels to the truth, God's truth.

That's the difference.

"You can't remove those hurtful thoughts, words, and memories, but by the power of God, you can drain them of their potential control over you."

So, the closet cleaning gets a little deeper.
Some of the memories that are attached to the things in this closet are painful and I might even be reluctant to throw them out.
But God has much better waiting. When I give Him all the old stuff, He will give me new, even better and prettier - even more useful - replacements.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17

For more posts on Self Talk Soul Talk
Write From the Heart
Lelia's Blog


pam said…
AMEN to "He has much better waiting!".
Joy Junktion said…
"When I give Him all the old stuff, He will give me new, even better and prettier - even more useful - replacements."

I couldn't agree more.
Tina said…
so true Liz, Confess, try again, rely on Him! Thanks I like that!
I agree with Tina; "Confess, try again, rely on Him" is a diamond! I am going to work on doing just those three things and letting the rest go. Wise words, my friend. Also, I'm struck by how many of the ladies quoted the same powerful lines from this chapter. We are having some serious fun now!
Laura said…
Lots of truth here, Liz! I love this:
"But God has much better waiting. When I give Him all the old stuff, He will give me new, even better and prettier - even more useful - replacements."
He is really doing a work through this study. And we're only on chapter two!
I can't wait to go even deeper!
Paula V said…
I can so relate to your first paragraph about our behavior reflecting the words but it doesn't mean that I AM that. Amen.

I like what Marily had to say also.

Love, love, love this:
"Wise, truthful words are never harsh or unkind. They are gracious. Wise and truthful words are never wimpy or without power. They have authority."
Carol said…
Liz, Oh yes He has beautiful things waiting for your and all of us. Just think a new wardrobe from God.

I'm so excited to see what we have in Chapter 3.

Love ya,
Lelia Chealey said…
Yes sweet friend, the cleaning is going deeper isn't it? Let's keep allowing Him to draw us closer to Him than we have ever been before. It will be so worth it.
You definitely have it down.."Confess, try again, rely on HIM".

That part of Confess...I get that so well...I'm still confessing and confessing and it's like..."my grace is sufficient for get up and be on your way ...try again and RELY ON ME...!"

Thank you for that reminder. Nothing worse than getting stuck in confession. If I were Catholic they would probably lock the confessional when they see me coming!

I hope that doesn't offend anyone...I meant it in a nice way :-)

Stacy said…
I loved your thoughts about the labels within our minds not necessarily meaning an ultimate "I am..." type of statement. I spend the majority of my day encouraging children to speak truthfully but kindly. I encourage them to politely correct someone if something negative is being said if it's not true or to apologize and correct the situation if it does to prove true. I wonder why it seems so much easier to pass these 'lessons' on to others rather than applying them to ourselves.

(I went back to my site and updated email info. I am still in the midst of much to learn in the blogging world.) :)

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