Another week has passed. Time again for the Yes To God Tuesday on-line Bible Study hosted by Lelia.
Chapter 3 title is Choosing Wise Words.
I like this.
After the last two weeks of realizing how much I need to clean out the thought closet, the negative and hurtful things that I allow to wallow around in my mind,
we get to start on the cleaning.
It is about the root - specifically, the root cause of the faulty thinking. My mind is hanging on to something incorrect. The root is what allowed these thoughts to get into my head in the first place.
Out of that root grows a fruit.
The fruit is the way our thinking plays out.
Mine plays out by thinking odd things...like..."If he just asked if I needed help, he must think I am doing a poor job."
Hmmm. That's not right.
So, to get to the root, to find out what makes me think those things; it goes well with the way I prefer to solve problems...get to the bottom of it. Find out the reason why.
I could practice switching a negative thought to a positive thought, but that won't help me as much as discovering where the negative thought came from in the first place and taking care of that.
Those who know me know that I like to dig deep and discover what is really going on.
I have been doing this a lot lately as I have come face to face with some things that I wanted, that I NEEDED, to change in my life.
Thoughts are one of them.
I love the advise from Pasty Clairmont,
"Refuse things that are inaccurate, unkind, or unedifying; replace them with what is good, pure, and just; and then repeat that process for as long as it takes to bring my thought under control."
I have given some thought time to the fruit in my life that needs to change.
Perfectionism - Yes.
Hypersensitivity and defensiveness - Yes.
And more...
So, I find myself asking for wisdom. Wisdom to know what exactly to use to take out the root of low self esteem, the root of unworthiness.
God's word tells me who I am, His wisdom will guide me to the things that are right and true.
A journey of healing and change begins.
There is power in a change that is being lead by God.
I am allowing God to move me into a new image, one that reflects His beauty.
This starts with the root.
I trust Him to show me the way. Life, with Him, provides all I need when I risk changing myself, by taking action, with Him as my Lord.
Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul;
if you find it, there is a future hope for you,
and your hope will not be cut off.
Proverbs 24:14

I like this.
After the last two weeks of realizing how much I need to clean out the thought closet, the negative and hurtful things that I allow to wallow around in my mind,
we get to start on the cleaning.
It is about the root - specifically, the root cause of the faulty thinking. My mind is hanging on to something incorrect. The root is what allowed these thoughts to get into my head in the first place.
Out of that root grows a fruit.
The fruit is the way our thinking plays out.
Mine plays out by thinking odd things...like..."If he just asked if I needed help, he must think I am doing a poor job."
Hmmm. That's not right.
So, to get to the root, to find out what makes me think those things; it goes well with the way I prefer to solve problems...get to the bottom of it. Find out the reason why.
I could practice switching a negative thought to a positive thought, but that won't help me as much as discovering where the negative thought came from in the first place and taking care of that.
Those who know me know that I like to dig deep and discover what is really going on.
I have been doing this a lot lately as I have come face to face with some things that I wanted, that I NEEDED, to change in my life.
Thoughts are one of them.
I love the advise from Pasty Clairmont,
"Refuse things that are inaccurate, unkind, or unedifying; replace them with what is good, pure, and just; and then repeat that process for as long as it takes to bring my thought under control."
I have given some thought time to the fruit in my life that needs to change.
Perfectionism - Yes.
Hypersensitivity and defensiveness - Yes.
And more...
So, I find myself asking for wisdom. Wisdom to know what exactly to use to take out the root of low self esteem, the root of unworthiness.
God's word tells me who I am, His wisdom will guide me to the things that are right and true.
A journey of healing and change begins.
There is power in a change that is being lead by God.
I am allowing God to move me into a new image, one that reflects His beauty.
This starts with the root.
I trust Him to show me the way. Life, with Him, provides all I need when I risk changing myself, by taking action, with Him as my Lord.
Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul;
if you find it, there is a future hope for you,
and your hope will not be cut off.
Proverbs 24:14
Your post got to the "root" of the subject, and then became quite uplifting. It was filled with hope in the Lord and his working in us.
Thank you,
I loved the way you applied the lessons in the chapter in such a personal way. I was cheering with (and for) you you wrote: "I am allowing God to move me into a new image, one that reflects His beauty." Amen, to that!
I pray God lavishes you with the wisdom you seek.
I heard something that made me think. The pastor was speaking on "Who will bring a charge against GOD'S elect?"
He said, "Are we saying that we can stand in front of GOD Almighty and say that what HE redeemed is still not good enough? Can we say, "You could have done better...it's not right..you need to do something different.."
None of us would dare! Yet we all beat ourselves up over everything...we bring a charge against GOD'S elect!
I need to really think on that! That is scary business!
Love you and praying for you!
A journey of healing and change begins. There is power in a change that is being lead by God." really struck a chord. I had attempted to get help from a professional therapist and it wasn't until I found a Christian counselor that TRUTHS began to be revealed and REAL changes began to take place. Thank you, so much, for allowing me to be on this journey with you.
Amen, Baby! I have to remember I have NO power to change, but my Father has all power. So I am good to go.
Cleaing it up and even digging it out!
That is ultimately how new Godly roots get planted and the others die off.
Love this post!
I am joining the club with you all on the hypersenstivity, never caught that one until I started reading the blogs, and whamo hey I do do that. Another rotten fruit.
I love what you said "I could practice switching a negative thought to a positive thought, but that won't help me as much as discovering where the negative thought came from in the first place and taking care of that.
Those who know me know that I like to dig deep and discover what is really going on."
Getting out the shovel.