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Friday Fill In

I love Fridays! The weekend is just around the corner. My office is usually pretty quiet and I can get a lot of work completed. Friday nights are reserved for spending quality time with family, friends, or (maybe oddly) simply some quality time with myself. It is also the day that I have picked to post this random, fill in the blank blog posting. I would love it if you would join it. You can get the questions here, weekly. Here is this weeks Friday Fill In!

1. Enough with the cold. I much prefer warm weather and the cold makes my body hurt.

2. Pain causes me to be conflicted, mostly emotional pain. I understand that pain is a part of life, even a life with Christ, but it still doesn't feel good. So, this is conflicting. Joy / Pain. ?

3. I've been craving seafood. I love seafood and can never get quite enough. When I lived on the East Coast, it was much more accessible. When I was visiting Northern Virginia a couple of months ago, I was able to eat seafood every day. I am ready for another trip like that.

4. My family makes me laugh. We have so much fun together.

5. I wish I could go to Mexico next week. I imagine lounging on the beach with my hubby, in the sun, relaxing. We are planning a trip soon, but it's not next week. :(

6. Tina has been on my mind lately. She is one of my best friends and is going through a tough situation. I have been praying for her a lot, along with her family. So, I would say she is definitely on my mind.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending time with friends and family, relaxing over a nice dinner. Tomorrow my plans include a class that I am taking in the morning and hopefully taking in a movie with my husband. Our daughter's boyfriends is spending the weekend with us while his parents are out of town, so we will be very available parents (they are 15), spending time with them. We attend worship services on Saturday night. Sunday I want to have as much fun as possible at the House Of Blues Gospel Brunch with friends when we go to celebrate a birthday. The rest of the day I want to tidy up, do laundry, and relax with a book for the night.


Laura said…
I love your memory verse, Liz!

It sounds like you have a great weekend planned! Have fun with your daughter and her beau. Hope the show is sweet and stay warm!!

We're freezing our toushies off in WV.

Jack said…
Ahhh, Mexico would be nice, wouldn't it?!
A pretty busy weekend ahead, hope you enjoy it :)

Thanks for the visit!
Carol said…
Sounds like a fun weekend. Tina's been on my mind too. Have fun with your dd and her dbf.

Thanks for the encourgament and love on my last Yes to God post.

Love ya


Funny my word verifiacation looks like I'm a belief. Some time these are fun.

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